Via De Agostini 26, 20012 Cuggiono (MI) (+39) 02 9746985
  • Italiano
  • Certified engineering firm

    Qualified and specialized professionals

    sqm of production unit for crane construction

    sqm of production unit for plant engineering

    meters of tunnel for sandblasting

    meters of spray painting plant


    Founded in 1995 by Fortunato Barlocco, CITYGRU is a company specialized in medium-heavy metal carpentry. We design, certify and build tower cranes for construction. We also specialize in the construction of metal frames, basements, mezzanines, pylons. We work with external companies certified by us as highly competitive for mechanical processing and hot dip galvanizing.

    city gru azienda camion
    city gru azienda officina


    icona ingegneria
    • Engineering department for metal or reinforced concrete structures and foundation works (plinths, poles and bulkheads).
    • Realization according to design and execution standards.
    • The following are carried out: metallic, light, heavy, industrial and civil carpentry works.
    icona sabbiatura
    • Sandblasting and painting with tunnels up to 16 meters.
    • We have a 16-meter tunnel for blasting with metal grit (grade 2.5) with operator and 16 meter spray booth for any type of spray treatment with airless and air mix.
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    • Qualified staff available to meet you to study together new solutions project developments.
    icona controlli

    Non-destructive tests are physical tests carried out in order to investigate the possible presence of defects in an artifact. These checks carried out during the manufacturing process make it possible to identify defects during the first stages of construction.

    Non-destructive testing (ndt):

    • visual
    • penetrant liquids
    • magnetic
    • ultrasound
    • X-ray


    A team of six qualified carpenters, assisted by a technical office where required, is at your disposal for the construction and possible installation of medium heavy carpentry plants. We are specialized in the construction of metal frames, basements (if necessary with mechanical processing), mezzanines, pylons, posts and ready to evaluate new projects.

    city gru impiatistica
    city gru impiatistica

    city gru a torre
    city gru a torre officina
    city gru edilizia

    Tower crane

    A team of qualified technicians, welders and painters assisted by a technical department, constantly work for the construction, design and painting of tower cranes. In addition to our product, we build cross-based bases, towers and arrows for third parties. We are always ready to evaluate and budget new projects.


    A qualified team is always available ready to support you for the commercial part, design, construction and logistics.

    icona preventivi